The 1,400-year-old ginkgo tree sheds its leaves as beautifully as a picture

The 1,400-year-old ginkgo tree located right next to Guan Yin Pagoda, Xi’an city, Shaanxi, China is attracting thousands of tourists because of its captivating beauty during the leaf-shedding season.


Tourists flock to see the ginkgo tree shedding its leaves – Photo: BoredPandaAccording to Chinese press, this ginkgo tree was planted in the Tang Dynasty and is now nearly 1,400 years old.

From mid-November, the trees begin to shed their leaves, turning the surrounding area into a beautiful carpet of yellow leaves, attracting thousands of tourists to admire.

The ginkgo tree is also known as the ginkgo tree, scientific name Ginkgo biloba. Despite climate change, it has not changed in more than 200 million years, so it is also considered a “living fossil tree”.

It is also considered a living link to the time when dinosaurs still dominated the earth.


The 1,400 year old ginkgo tree sheds its picturesque leaves – Photo: BoredPanda


It is also known as “living fossil tree” – Photo: BoredPanda


The yellow leaf carpet created by the ginkgo tree – Photo: BoredPanda


The prominent ginkgo tree next to Quan Am Pagoda – Photo: BoredPanda 


1,400-year-old living fossil tree, a 1,400-year-old ginkgo tree, as beautiful as a painting in the falling season, with a carpet of yellow leaves

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