Explore stunning natural beauty through the Appenzell Inner Rhodes trail

Heavenly hiking in Appenzell Inner Rhodes, Switzerland


Set amid picturesque mountain landscapes topped by snow-capped peaks, the tranquil half-canton of Appenzell Inner Rhodes feels like a world away from everyday life. Filled with idyllic alpine villages and praised for its traditional culture and cuisine, Inner Rhodes also boasts heavenly trails winding through domains of natural beauty."""


A highly sought-after route takes hikers to the emerald shores of the Seealpsee, a magnificent high-altitude lake resting at 1,601 metres. Carpeted by flower-dotted meadows and framed by towering cliffs, the place evokes the pure majesty of the mountain. A relaxing two-hour climb through a fragrant pine forest and babbling brooks takes visitors to the lake’s pebble shores.""image""

The fresh mountain breeze caresses the skin while the eyes delight in postcard panoramas that extend in all directions. Imposing limestone sentinels watch over the placid waters, which gently undulate under sporadic zephyrs. Lone fishermen quietly practice their craft while others simply enjoy the serene alpine atmosphere.""image""

As the sun sets and paints the blue sky with tints of pink and gold, footsteps make their way through the day’s journey along the forest trails. Hearts are filled with appreciation for Switzerland’s naturally picturesque heritage and its commitment to environmental protection. In the picturesque, Austrian-flavored surroundings of Appenzell, soul and landscape come together in perfect harmony on each memorable mountain hike. It’s no wonder the region continues to enchant visitors with its unwavering charm.""image""


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