There is a fact that few people know about cats, which is that they are very similar to humans in that even under normal living conditions, they can easily get fat and sometimes “just breathing makes them gain weight”. .
Obesity or being overweight is a very common phenomenon for cats. This is a condition in which too much excess fat is accumulated in their bodies due to overeating and lack of exercise.
Obesity in pets is a phenomenon of weight gain that occurs when the energy consumed by the body exceeds the energy needed.
This excess energy will then be stored as fat. Once cats are obese, they will still be obese even though they have stopped absorbing excess calories into their bodies.
This is a common condition in cats in developed countries, especially accounting for nearly 58% of the cat population in the US.
But that doesn’t mean they will become ugly, let’s take a look at these extremely adorable fat cats below.

Being fat is not a crime, being fat is just a way to show physical superiority over others.

You’re beautiful, you have rights.

Life is very difficult, fasting but still gaining weight rapidly.

Have you never seen a fat cat before?

Dying in food but death never has to worry about.

With a big belly, you don’t have to worry about starving to death.

Eating too much makes me tired. Can we hug each other and sleep forever?

The fatter the cat, the more famous and loved it is.