Strange stories about pets

1. Adopted more than 1,000 cats as pets

Lynea Lattanzio, a 67-year-old resident of California, has adopted so many cats that her house, with five bedrooms, cannot accommodate her and her pets. Ms. Lattanzio said that after the divorce, she felt lonely in a house larger than 300 square meters, so she started to get to know and love cats. She has raised and lived with about 28,000 cats from the beginning until now.
With a strong love for cats, Ms. Lattanzio founded “Kings River Cat Kingdom”, an animal protection center of her own. This project aims to help abandoned and stray cats, so that they live in a safe, comfortable and healthy environment. Here, cats live as naturally as possible with the motto “no cages, no chains, no catching and killing”.

Mrs. Lynea Lattanzio

With the adoption of more and more cats, Mrs. Lattanzio had to move to a larger place to ensure the cats had a comfortable home. Currently, she lives with about 1,100 cats. Although it is not easy, caring for and raising all these cats is a huge responsibility. Mrs. Lattanzio and the care team at the center have to spend a lot of time and effort to ensure their well-being. This also means that she and her care team have to spend a large amount of money every day. Ms. Lattanzio considered selling both the house and engagement ring to have enough money to take care of these cats.
Ms. Lattanzio’s work has certainly touched many cat lovers. Currently, the care center attracts many animal-loving volunteers and has improved its facilities much more. They often take care of and care for their “children” as a daily pleasure.

2. “Tiger” saved his owner from a leopard attack

Dogs are often considered humans’ best friends. And from time to time we have seen these loyal four-legged creatures protect their owners, even at the risk of their own lives.
Four-year-old Tiger certainly lived up to his name as he bravely fought to save his owner, a 58-year-old Darjeeling, India resident, from a leopard. Aruna Lama’s daughter, who was attacked by a leopard, said: “When my mother was going down to the ground floor of the house, she noticed a pair of glowing eyes, then the leopard attacked her but the Tiger saved her.” . As Aruna was struggling to escape, Tiger sensed the danger and ran to her rescue by barking loudly and trying to chase the big leopard away. The victim had to have 20 stitches on his forehead and near his ear; In addition, there were a few bruises.

What Tiger did is something most people tremble at the thought of.

3. The dog saved the lives of more than 30 people and died in a cylinder explosion

One of the most touching dog stories took place in Banda, Uttar Pradesh, India in April 2019. A dog continuously barked and warned people after a large fire broke out in a building. His constant barking saved more than 30 lives, but the brave dog met a tragic end when he died from an explosion caused by a fire.

Brave dog saves people in cylinder explosion (Illustration)

4. Animal therapy: Great method for seriously ill babies

After a car accident, Caleb, a young boy, suffered fractures in his leg and arm, and suffered severe brain damage. His health condition is very serious. At first, Caleb’s parents didn’t know if he could survive and recover like before. The recovery process was long and slow for the boy.
However, later, Caleb became friends with a dog named Colonel – Colonel. With the Colonel’s help, Caleb changed almost immediately. When the dog is in the room, the boy is more alert and becomes much more active. Caleb’s eyes lit up, he was able to be more active, and his progress in treatment exceeded expectations. In the end, the boy successfully completed the recovery process and returned to a normal life.

5. Cat “Dog” with adorable expressions

“Dog” is the name of a cat, raised by Mr. Le Quoc Phong, a guy living in Hai Phong. The owner of “Dog” said that every time he dresses up and takes pictures, he always cooperates obediently. Not only that, “Dog”‘s face also shows professional expressions. The cat named “Dog” is not only famous in Vietnam but also appears in overseas newspapers.

Cat “Dog” always cooperates in taking photos

6. The reunion of the old lady and her pet dog

On social networks, people once shared a video about an elderly woman of the Mong ethnic group in Ha Giang. In the video, the old lady is sobbing when she has to sell the dog she loves. The dog lies in an iron cage, does not bark, and just lies still so that the owner can caress and bond with him for the last time.
For those who have ever raised dogs, cats or any other pets and devoted all their love to them, the image of the sad old lady who did not want to say goodbye to the dog in the video really brings home choking emotions. Those who have ever loved an animal, cared for and cared for it meticulously, pouring their love into the animal that lingered day and night, will easily sympathize in the first minutes when the old lady muttered: ” She raised him since he was a baby, she loves him very much… “. When witnessing the love that the old lady has for her four-legged “friend”, many social network users could not help but feel emotional and wanted to see if any “miracles” would happen in life. real or not.
Ms. Lau Thi Kia, 75 years old, Mong ethnic, with a small figure, small legs and bright eyes, went to visit the corn fields. She walked in front, followed by her dog Pet. Usually, Cuong just likes to sit in the corner of the house, sedentary with a “fat” and rounder body than is allowed, even though he is only 11 months old. But since the day he was “returned” after a night “away from home”, Cuong has been more attached to Mrs. Kia than ever. Mrs. Kia sat down on the green plastic chair in front, wiping tears from her hands. Every time she mentioned Honey, she burst into tears.
When the two children brought Cuong and her sisters home, Mrs. Kia single-handedly took care of them. Both dogs with the same name Cuong belong to the very rare Hmong Bobtail breed, and have “joined” a large family with 4 dogs and 3 cats. At that time, baby Cuong was only 3 weeks old, lying neatly in her grandmother’s lap.

Mrs. Kia and her two pet dogs

Every day, Mrs. Kía cooks for them 3 meals, sometimes 4 meals. The rice had no meat, only corn or rice, but both Pet dogs ate it all and grew incredibly fast, now weighing up to 19kg. When Baby was only 2 months old, he got sick and refused to eat. Mrs. Kia used a small spoon to take the rice, mix it with milk, then called her niece-in-law on the way home from work to buy medicine. After the injection, after only about a day, Cuong returned to normal, happy and mischievous. Mrs. Kia was relieved. Before, she was afraid that the child would die and wouldn’t be able to eat rice, so she was always worried. Every day, both Pet dogs are tied to a leash and lie on the front porch. When a stranger comes, they bark loudly together. Mrs. Kia did not dare to let them go free, for fear that they would bite the children in the village. At night, they go into the iron cage to sleep.
On that day, a teacher from the district came to ask to buy a dog. Ms. Sung Thi Sy, 34 years old, Ms. Kia’s niece-in-law, asked her permission to sell Cuong Em. She had no opinion, even though her heart was full of pity. People rumored that Ms. Sy’s family had to sell her dog due to difficult circumstances. However, she affirmed that her family has enough resources and is committed to taking full care of her, not lacking anything.
” Our family does not have to be poor to have to sell dogs. We bought 2 Cuong sisters determined to sell for economic purposes, not to raise them. At first they were small, left for her to take care of, until When it’s big, sell it” , Ms. Sy said.
At a reasonable price, Ms. Sy’s husband decided to sell Cuong em, leaving Cuong em with the hope that it can be bred for economic development in the future.
At noon that day, teacher Thuan came to the house and took Cuong away. The teacher said: “It’s not necessary to cut it open and eat it. Take it home to raise, don’t cry, grandmother”. She didn’t bark at all, while Mrs. Kia stood next to her and suddenly burst into tears. She put her hand into the iron cage and stroked the dog. “Since he was a baby, she raised him to adulthood. She loves him so much!”.
“Whenever you go to the market, when you come to my house, please come and visit Honey. Don’t cry anymore, everyone loves dogs.” – Teacher Thuan’s words of comfort did not help Mrs. Kia stop crying, but on the contrary, It made her feel more attached, not wanting to part with her pet dog after giving it to the new owner.

Mrs. Kia and her little dog

That night, the first night that Baby was not at home. Mrs. Kia was restless. Remembering it, she cried again. “She loved it very much, that’s why she cried. She used to tell her to look after the house, and go see the rats. She knew how to bite rats, and if she saw rats, she would bite her to death”.
Sy and her husband feel guilty for selling Cuong Em. This was the first time they witnessed Mrs. Kia being so emotional. She told her husband that if she had known she cared so much about the dog, she would not have sold it. She feels very sorry because Mrs. Kia is a very emotional person. The clip of Mrs. Kia crying for her dog was shared by Anh Thuan on social networks. After that, Mr. Le Van Tien, a businessman specializing in precious dog breeds in Ha Giang, saw it and decided to buy Cung Em to return it to the old lady. Mr. Tien said he was touched by the love the old man had for the little dog, and so he decided to buy it as a gift instead of selling it. He said this was the first time he acted like that after many years of trading. The next morning, Mr. Tien and two friends traveled more than 140km from Quan Ba ​​district to Meo Vac to find Mr. Thuan and asked him to lead the way to Ms. Kia’s house.
When Baby came home, he happily wagged his tail, Mrs. Kia ran from the yard to the gate to welcome him, hugging the dog tightly. “You’re home, don’t cry anymore,” the old lady said and caressed your white fur.
When I returned the dog to him, I knew that moment would become priceless because he was so happy that he couldn’t speak ,” Mr. Tien recalled.

Mrs. Kia stroked Pet dog’s fur

Ms. Kia has no parents, no siblings, and since childhood has had to be independent and take care of herself alone. She only studied until grade 3, then dropped out, got married when she was only 17 years old and had 5 children: 2 boys and 3 girls. Currently, she lives with her two grandchildren and just hangs around the house, taking care of the kitchen. Every day, she likes to do some small job, and doesn’t like to sit still because she thinks “it would be very sad”. “Can’t sit still “, she said decisively, so taking care of her 4 dogs has become her “main occupation”.
Since Cuong returned, Mrs. Kia promised that she would never leave the dog again. Even if other people give her rice, money or anything, it cannot compare to the love she has for her dog. You were once a small dog, lying in the palm of your hand, and now, it is strong enough to protect Mrs. Kia, like the whole sky of Ha Giang embracing the small hamlet of Sung Lu.

7. Keep stone crabs as pets

If anyone wants to keep a pet at home, they will often immediately think of a cute cat or dog. But unlike those usual options, the girl in the story below decided to raise… stone crabs. It may sound strange and strange, however, the reason this girl chose to raise stone crabs is very special and interesting. She and the stone crab had a fate.
The girl mentioned in the story is Nguyen Thi Nhan, 25 years old, from Nam Dinh and works at Vietnam Flight Management Corporation. Nhan shared that she previously bought stone crabs to cook, however, this stone crab escaped the pot twice. After those events, Nhan decided to keep the stone crab and keep it as a pet in the house.

Nguyen Thi Nhan raises stone crabs as pets

Ms. Nhan said that 2 months ago, she had a business trip to Thai Nguyen and saw them selling stone crabs. She bought 2kg to eat because she had never eaten this type before. After buying it, she processed half of it, leaving the remaining half in the basket to eat the next day. However, a crab escaped. She captured that crab again. That evening, she steamed all those crabs. The next morning, she saw that crab crawling on the floor again, startling her. After 2 successful escapes, she decided to keep that crab as a pet because she thought that 2 escapes must have been fate!
When going to work, Thi – the name Nhan gave the stone crab, placed it in a large plastic bucket, added a little water to create a humid environment and placed some things for Thi to have a place to hide and climb, because stone crabs like to find hiding place in small stone alleys. When at home, Nhan lets Thi go out to have more space.

Stone crab “Thi” – Nhan’s unique pet

Raising stone crabs is completely different from raising dogs or cats. While dogs and cats are usually obedient and do not require too demanding living environments, Nhan’s stone crabs require special attention.
“Currently, due to the nature of my job, I have to travel a lot and for long days. Meanwhile, Thi’s food is fresh and needs to be replaced every day, otherwise it will cause pollution. I just I live alone so I have to ask my friend to come to my room every day to change her water and food. Another inconvenience, Thi often runs away, if I neglect her, she climbs out and crawls around every corner. In the house, every time something like that happens, I have to search very hard!”.
The girl also shared that not only cats and dogs, but any animal that lives together for a long time also has feelings. At first, Thi was very aggressive and afraid of people, and Nhan was even repeatedly harassed by Thi when she tried to let Thi return to its home. However, after nearly 2 months of raising this stone crab, Nhan can easily hold Thi. Instead of running and looking for a place to hide when someone is around, Thi stands still and looks straight into others’ eyes.
“Nowadays, sometimes Thi still follows me (probably because she’s hungry so she follows to beg for food). In general, my life is much happier when Thi is in the house. And one more special thing, I was also quite surprised when my pet received so much attention and excitement from the online community. Thank you very much everyone!” – Nhan shared with a smile.

8. One-of-a-kind pet cemetery

On Truong Dinh Street, Hoang Mai District, Hanoi, deep in the alley, there is a special pagoda named Te Dong Vat Nga. This is the only place in Vietnam that has a unique cemetery dedicated to dogs and cats. Mr. Nguyen Bao Sinh, 83 years old, established this cemetery on a plot of land about 2,000 square meters.

Mr. Nguyen Bao Sinh – founder of the pet cemetery

In 1969, Mr. Sinh’s dog was the first animal to be buried here. Initially, this area was only for the burial of family pets and relatives. However, with development, this place has expanded and become the resting place of more than 10,000 dogs and cats. This is also the first place in Vietnam to provide burial services and organize requiem ceremonies, release of life,… especially for pets.
Mr. Nguyen Bao Sinh shared : “When I was 5 years old, I was taking care of a puppy when I was bitten very painfully. The scar still remains to this day. At that time, my father said that in the future I would love dogs very much. and dogs will accompany me, but I don’t believe it. As time goes on, I feel more and more right, I feel like I love pets more and more.” That was the most important reason why he decided to build a special cemetery for them. Mr. Nguyen Bao Sinh explained that the name “Te Dong Vat Nga” of the pagoda was chosen by him to mean that sentient beings – people and animals – are equal, according to the Buddhist point of view. Therefore, he organized funeral ceremonies for pets as a similar respect to humans here.
“Many people consider performing rituals for pets a bit extreme, but there are also people who believe that pets that are buried in full rituals will be transported to another world. Everyone has a different opinion. each other”, Mr. Sinh said.

Pet Cemetery
Qi Tong Wutai

Many pet lovers consider them as companions and family members. They shared similar thoughts with Mr. Nguyen Bao Sinh, and that is the reason why the temple became a destination for dog and cat lovers when their lovely friends passed away. Here, each pet is buried on the day and time requested by the owner, and the funeral takes place solemnly with all kinds of fruits, candles, flags, and the master of ceremonies. After the 15-minute requiem ceremony, the animal was taken away for cremation. The owner can then choose one of two methods: Burial of ashes, in which each small grave comes with a photo and incense bowl; or leave only a photo, while the ashes are buried by scattering them into the lake. The pagoda conducts offerings to animals on occasions such as the full week festival, after 49, 100 days, the full moon day and the first day. The price of funeral services for pets ranges from 7 to 8 million VND, while water burial costs about 3 to 4 million VND. This is an all-inclusive price, including placing a tombstone; care and supervision stages.
After burying a pet, many people still come regularly to visit and burn incense for the tombstone. This makes Mr. Sinh’s cemetery always bustling with the comings and goings of visitors. There are owners who, after decades, still do not forget to visit and remember the four-legged friend who was with them before. On the full moon holidays of July and Qingming Day, many owners bring to their pets’ tombstones the salty foods they once loved. The pagoda also holds requiem ceremonies for all the souls of dogs and cats in the cemetery. On each grave, incense is always burned, flowers are placed and enough vegetarian food is provided.

Regulations at Qi Tong Wate Nga pet cemetery

When returning to visit the grave of her beloved dog that was buried at the cemetery of Te Dong Vat Nga pagoda a few years ago, Ms. Van, who lives in Dong Da district, Hanoi, shared that it is important to have a resting place. Treating the dog properly made her feel more secure. Like many other animal lovers, for her, the dog is not just a simple pet, but actually a close friend that has accompanied her for many years. The death of a dog causes pain and loss no less than the loss of a loved one.
After witnessing many separations between humans and pets during their 6 years working at the cemetery, Ms. Nguyen Thu Tra and Ms. Nguyen Thi Nga said that when the new owner brought the deceased pet to Te Dong Vu Pagoda, Falling, they often cry because of sadness and regret. However, when they leave, they often feel lighter and happier.
“Mr. Bao Sinh often comforts them that when they lose their pets, they will come to a better world and be reincarnated, and that helps them relieve their sadness. I’ve noticed that after each time I return to visit the grave, the owners often feel much more at peace,” said Ms. Thu Tra.
Ms. Nguyen Nhat Anh, 25 years old, who brought her pet cat to be buried here a few months ago, confided: “I have known about the temple for a long time, so when my cat passed away, my husband and I brought it here. right after he rested, for the past few months, I’ve come every day to burn incense and pay tribute, unless I’m busy and not in Hanoi so I don’t come. Every time I come here, I feel my soul more peaceful”.
Although Mr. Bao Sinh is often accused of unreasonable and crazy actions when burying pets with the same rituals as humans, many dog ​​and cat owners, such as Ms. Nhat Anh, still regularly bury their pets. Visit the graves of your four-legged friends and feel very lucky because Hanoi has a service to bury pets, take care of the grave area and smoke incense for them.
The cemetery owner said: “Many European countries have animal protection laws, anyone who violates them will be punished. Educating people to love each other, there is nothing better than educating people to love animals. If you can treat animals well, why not treat people around you well? I see that the people who bring dogs and cats here to bury all have kind hearts, live virtuous lives and love. Makes me feel more confident in this life .”
Mr. Bao Sinh was moved when he said that the actions of many owners made him believe that they not only consider their dogs and cats as animals, but as their children and grandchildren. The owner of Qi Dong Wukga cemetery was once stunned when a customer read his dog’s name when preparing to take it to the burial ceremony, the name had the full first name, last name and middle name like a person’s name, 4 meters long. letter. Many pet owners shared with Mr. Bao Sinh that after they pass away, their relatives will bring their pet’s ashes – which were previously buried here – to place next to their resting place.
Mr. Bao Sinh said that such stories always make people more humane and more loving: “Personally, I always think that when educating people to love animals, it goes beyond appreciating pets. , that also indirectly educates love for people”.
It can be seen that a pet does not change you, but it brings you a lot of joy and laughter in life.

9. International cat breed competition

On October 28, 2023, an international breed cat competition took place in Ho Chi Minh City, with the participation of 60 domestic breed cats and 12 cats from abroad. After the success of the first cat festival in Asia in Hanoi last June, this year’s cat competition continues to be held to honor cat owners and professional cat breeders at home and abroad.

International cat breed competition

Ms. Nguyen Thi Hong Tham, representative of the organizing committee, said that in addition to promoting the development of professional cat farming, the cat contest also conveys the message of loving animals to the community: “Cats will become animals.” accompany, help heal and nurture the souls of future generations.”
Carrying his 5.5-month-old British long-haired cat to attend the event, Mr. Pham Thong Duy (27 years old, Binh Thanh district) said his “baby” had just returned to Vietnam from Russia three days ago. The value of the cat is 10,000 USD, not including the additional shipping cost of 1,000 USD. Mr. Duy shared that before participating in the competition, the cat will be professionally groomed to have beautiful and soft fur. He believes that the beauty of its fur will be appreciated and hopes that his cat can win a great prize at this competition.
Similarly, Ms. Ly Bao Tran (34 years old) was also excited to bring her maine coon cat (American long-haired cat) from Nha Trang to Ho Chi Minh City to participate in the “show”. With a weight of up to 8kg, silky white fur and hyperactive personality, this cat attracts the attention of many “fans”.

10. Sports festival for owners and pets

Pet Fit Fest – Sports festival for owners and pets – attracts a large number of members to participate. The images captured between “boss” and “lotus” are truly lovely beyond all expectations!
From early morning, the team of tiny players was brought to the field by the owner. No matter the size, species, or coat color, everyone comes together in the spirit of exchanging, learning, and enjoying fun, in which competition is just a sideline. The contest featured lovely short-legged but equally determined Corgis, along with short-haired Pugs with funny faces at first sight. Beautiful little Poodle dogs are also present, along with “game-breaking” Huskies and other breeds such as Chihuahua, Collie, Yorkshire, Pomeranian…

Dogs participate in sports festivals

At Pet Fit Fest, “boss” and “sen” participated together in many interesting and fun competitions. After a quick warm-up with exciting Zumba dance in the first Dancing Zone, the owner and pet participated in another unique competition, which is practicing yoga together. Perhaps many people will wonder how pets can practice yoga, but actually, just needing them to be obedient and coordinate a little with their owner’s movements is enough.
Then comes the main part of the festival – the confrontation between boss and lotus couples to show off their physical strength and dexterity. The tiny players will work with their owners to overcome 3 small challenges, from running over obstacles, crawling through pipes to maintaining balance. This is the most anticipated part of the competition, so everyone participates very enthusiastically. However, according to comments, this is also the most… chaotic part of the exam. After a while of getting used to the field, the young players seem to have returned to their true nature. It’s not just the boss going in one direction, the lotus going in another direction, they’re both running continuously, no one knows. which times.

Owners and pets participate in sports festivals together

At the festival, the “boss” also participate in the Pet Fashion Show competition, where each “boss” gets to wear their best outfits and walk on the catwalk. Although the hot weather made things difficult, the adorable and mischievous looks of the pets brought the audience moments of laughter.
Sharing with us about Pet Fit Fest, Ms. Le Vu Diem Hang – Head of Organizing Committee said: “The reason this event is organized is because we always want to aim for a healthy and happy community, in That is, living an elite life, harmony between mind and body, and having fun with the community are the key spirits. We believe that pets are an indispensable part in the lives of many people, and at Why can’t we harmoniously combine physical and mental exercise at the same time with our loved ones, girls, and pets in an adorable event like this! “.

11. Your puppy attends the weekend festival

On the morning of June 11, pet lovers had the opportunity to meet and reunite at the Pet Weekend 2022 event, taking place at Crescent Mall, District 7, Ho Chi Minh City. This event lasts for both June 11 and 12. More than 500 puppies were recorded attending the event. Many puppies are fully equipped with accessories such as dresses, hats, bibs and sunglasses.

Pets attend weekend festivals

Previously, Ms. Kwan (Taiwan), owner of Dolly (Poodle dog breed) with a lovely outfit participating in interacting with friends, let the dog participate in many pet activities in Taiwan. This is Dolly’s first time participating in an event in Vietnam. “The festival is very fun” , Ms. Kwan agreed, “However, Vietnam has a few events and activities for dogs “, Ms. Kwan further emphasized.
“Oh my god, look at how leisurely it runs,” Ms. Que Dong (Hoc Mon district) was happy to see Luna (Alaska dog breed, 13 months old) almost “strolling” while participating. races. She excitedly shared: “She has two sunglasses, one blue, one pink to show off to her friends. Coming here, meeting many breeds of dogs, she is very happy”.
“You stroke its head and flanks to stimulate it, ” Mr. Quoc Thang (District 7) told Ms. Bao Tran before letting his puppy participate in the competition. Thanks to the training experience and agility of the sheepdog breed, Mr. Thang’s pet dog won the championship position in the race. Applying the European-style method of raising dogs, he trains his puppy by teaching basic movements such as standing, lying, sitting… Thanks to that, during the epidemic, “hyperactive people are comfortable”. comfortable, not too uncomfortable”, Mr. Thang shared.
From 9 a.m., many people brought their pets to participate in the festival and enjoy professional dog performances. Not only can participants see many different types of dogs, participants also have the opportunity to let their pets participate in fun activities such as pet parks, swimming pools, soccer fields, health consultations, and sports activities. Experience free grooming and care services, participate in virtual reality (VR) games and listen to experts share knowledge about raising and training dogs and cats.

Pets get free hair trimming

The festival also attracts the participation of cat owners. Ms. Hoang Lan in Thu Duc City took Ronnie, a Munchkin cat breed, to participate in dog and cat activities. “It’s gentle, just walking around all this time. The baby and I are very happy,” Ms. Lan shared.

12. “Laughing until tears” when delivering babies to dogs and cats

During more than 20 years serving in the veterinary field, Dr. Hai Dang (Director of Hai Dang Veterinary Hospital) has helped thousands of dog and cat cases that he cannot forget. Some cases made him emotional and memorable, such as pets being considered family members and pampered to the fullest. There are cases where when a baby is born, both families come by car to pick up the pet. Sometimes, some careful people even invite the master to perform the ceremony and choose a good birth time so that the pet will be “full and square” when entering the labor stage.

Doctor Hai Dang – Director of Hai Dang Veterinary Hospital

According to Dr. Dang, giving birth to dogs and cats is more difficult than for humans because they cannot communicate their condition verbally. Therefore, doctors must rely on personal experience and feelings to find the appropriate treatment method. Normally, a cat’s pregnancy cycle lasts about 60 days. During pregnancy, cats and dogs will be treated and examined periodically by a doctor, including using ultrasound to monitor the pregnancy. When the time comes to give birth, dogs and cats that have difficulty giving birth will require a doctor’s intervention, and in some cases, the doctor will have to perform a cesarean section to perform a cesarean section. Even weak or prematurely born dogs and cats will be placed in incubators and have mechanical respiratory support, similar to humans.
Doctor Dang remembers a special case a few years ago in June 2016, when he delivered a baby to a Pom Soc dog in Cau Giay (Hanoi). This dog belongs to a sterile breed and has been loved and treated as their own by the family. The special thing is that the dog needs to be artificially inseminated many times before becoming pregnant successfully. During the pregnancy, the family carefully took Phoc Soc for regular checkups and ultrasounds. Doctor Dang clearly remembers that time the dog was only pregnant with one puppy and was in poor health, so the family took very careful care of her. When the dog is about to give birth, the owner even invites the monk to chant sutras and choose a golden hour for the pet to give birth safely. After that, the dog had surgery to safely and successfully give birth.
The story of caring for a pet is also emotional. There are many families who are ready to spend all day and night at the hospital just to wait for their “mother” pet to have a healthy baby. They have worked as hard as taking care of the “birth mother”.
A few years ago, a family brought a Dachshund dog (also known as a Dachshund or Sausage breed) that had a difficult birth to Dr. Dang’s hospital. The dog was pregnant with 5 fetuses, but one of them curled up in her belly, making the delivery process difficult and time-consuming. After giving birth, the mother dog lost strength and had no milk, so she had to be placed in an isolation room for treatment. At this time, the owner, who was raising a small child, did not hesitate to lift up his shirt to breastfeed the puppy, to the surprise and amazement of the doctors present in the room.

Doctors deliver pets at Hai Dang veterinary hospital

Dr. Hai Dang has been working as a veterinarian for more than 20 years and has witnessed many funny stories in the profession. One of them is the story of a pair of Pomeranians whose owner gave them ecstasy, leading to both dogs swaying to the music all night long, causing the family to have to take the dog to the emergency hospital. That time, Dr. Dang said that at that time they did not know what disease the dog had, so they only gave the dog a sedative and stayed at the hospital for monitoring. He also shared that although the dog couple looked very alert, they both continuously swayed to the music from 8pm the previous night to 4am the next morning, which was strange. Fortunately, at around 5 a.m., the family member woke up and remembered what had happened and reported it to the doctor for timely intervention.
In addition to cases when a pet dies, the owner often becomes very sad and may cry, even faint and need to be hospitalized. However, there are owners who coldly neglect and throw their pets on the street after discovering they are seriously ill.
During his time working as a veterinarian, the thing that haunted Dr. Dang the most was still treating dogs and cats with cancer or serious accidents. In these cases, multiple surgeries and multiple medications are required for treatment, leaving the pet in pain and suffering. Even though many years have passed, Dr. Dang will never forget the help-seeking eyes of an abandoned dog on the street. During Tet 2015, a dog and cat rescue group brought in a dog about 15 months old for treatment. When the dog arrived at the clinic, it had been hungry for several days, had muddy fur and was in very poor health. After being examined, Dr. Dang discovered that the dog had late-stage cancer in his abdomen and needed immediate surgery.
Dr. Dang emotionally said that saving the dog’s life was a very difficult task, but the medical team was still determined to perform the surgery right away and it was an unimaginable success. However, he regretfully said that the dog passed away not long after. He also shared that the dog’s eyes when he first met it are always in his mind, it was a meaningful look, expressing begging and asking for help in a very sympathetic way…

13. Pets become online “stars” – Pet KOL

In today’s era, raising pets is not simply a hobby but also a trend that comes with attracting a large number of followers on social networks. These pets are called “pet influencers”, pet KOLs (influential pets) or even considered “TikTok idols” (idol on TikTok).
Social networks have witnessed the appearance of many accounts sharing photos and videos of dogs, cats… with a huge fan following. Many videos have reached millions of views.
According to Dinh Dy (District 8, Ho Chi Minh City), he has an interest in raising pet dogs, so he regularly participates and interacts in the pet owner community, or follows social networking sites to watch together. Look at these adorable dogs.
“For many people, pets are like friends and family members, so they give them a lot of love and care. That’s why the community of hobbyists also has its own interaction channels. Many pets are loved and have a large following just like humans,” Mr. Dy shared.

"Older brother
Mr. Dinh Dy used to raise up to 6 dogs

Similarly, Minh Vu, a student at Gia Dinh University, also spends a lot of time watching videos about animals . “They are very cute and watching clips about fun, I don’t have to think much, I feel very comfortable ,” this male student said.
Adorable animals followed on social networks also provide money-making opportunities for their owners. Many owners have become content creators on social networks, sharing adorable videos of their pets or participating in advertising campaigns and establishing partnerships with famous brands, using Use the presence of pets in videos.

14. My Dieu – the cat “causing a fever” on social networks

Becoming a phenomenon on social networks thanks to its unique sitting appearance, strong personality and owner Do Ngoc Tuong Minh (26 years old, from Can Tho City) gave the cat the lovely name My Dieu. Tuong Minh’s video channel titled Cat Vitamins has attracted 1.4 million followers and regularly updates funny videos about the cats she raises. Even though My Dieu likes to be disruptive and active like making food, pouring sand into the toilet or destroying things in the house, Tuong Minh is still happy and records humorous scenes to share on the channel.

Tuong Minh and My Dieu cat

It must be said that a combination of the young girl’s love of animals and humor has spread positive energy to the online community. Thanks to the videos on this channel, cats like Nau, Tiger and especially My Dieu have become famous online. My Dieu even became a meme model that was widely spread on social networks.
Tuong Minh said that My Dieu is a cat she has raised since June 2021. She decided to name the cat after this name after watching a video online, in which a boy rapped humorously with the phrase “People”. The daughter he once loved was named My Dieu” which she loved and remembered forever. In addition, her sister’s name also contains the word “My” (My Phuc), so she also liked the name My Dieu and decided to give it to her cat.
During the time of social distancing due to the Covid-19 pandemic in 2021, Tuong Minh accidentally picked up 5 yellow kittens next to a landfill, and all were of the same breed as ours. Among them, there are Fat, Brown and My Dieu. Because the economic situation is quite difficult, Tuong Minh only chose to raise Fat and Brown, and the remaining 3 cats have found new owners. However, after a few months, My Dieu’s owner changed jobs and did not have time to take care of her, so Minh decided to take this cat back. After that, she picked up two more cats to raise, and named them Cop and Dau.
Tuong Minh shared that My Dieu, from a young age, had a personality quite different from the “babies” in the house. She said that My Dieu is very naughty and active. Currently, she is raising 5 cats in a rented house. When she first adopted them, she encountered some difficulties in terms of time, cost and their mischievous nature. However, after “loving her hands and feet”, Minh sees them as relatives, an indispensable part of her life. Tuong Minh hopes that the videos posted on TikTok will help people entertain and love animals more, even if they are just naughty cats.

My Dieu Cat is famous on social networks

Nguyen Minh Anh, a student at Ho Chi Minh City University of Education, said: “I have been following the Vitamin Cat channel for a long time and am very impressed with the naughty and humorous cat My Dieu. Besides the cats’ hyperactivity, the owner’s voiceover also makes the videos more attractive.”
Do Ngoc Quy, 26 years old, working at 65 Le Loi, Ben Nghe Ward, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City, shared that his whole family likes to watch videos of Vitamin Cat channel and especially loves My Dieu cat. . Instead of people previously loving expensive Western cats, our cats are also lovely. Quy said that it takes a true love for animals to be able to take care of these naughty cats. The work of preparing food, cleaning, bathing and taking them to the vet when they are sick also makes the owner very hard. He admitted that having only 1 cat at home makes him tired, while Minh has 5 cats.

15. When animals also know how to keep pets

– Giant Tarantulas breed microscopic gourds
It’s hard to tell the difference between a domesticated Tarantula and a gentle little frog (Microhylidae), or whether the frog is really the “boss”. It is important to know that Tarantula is the largest spider in terms of weight and has excellent hunting ability. Even though they are not venomous, with just one squeeze of their jaws, venomous snakes can lose their lives.
According to scientists, it may be because the skin of this frog contains toxins, but it could also be another reason why the giant Tarantulas decided not to eat the frog but just feed it. However, this theory is a bit loose, because the tiny frog even eats spider eggs. Although ants are the frog’s main prey, they are also very happy to clean up the “leftovers” left behind by Tarantula spiders. So that said, it’s not easy to determine who is the “pet” in this strange relationship.
– Cheetahs allow dogs to be their friends and bodyguards
This is a story that happened at the Metro Richmond Zoo in Virginia, USA. At that time, the zoo manager decided to let the dog and leopard cub live in the same cage, even though the cub had been abandoned by its mother.
Dogs are a species full of love and loyalty, while leopard cubs are also aware of those emotional signals. So, he decided to allow that dog to become his “protector”. Thanks to being familiar with the dog, the cub has found confidence and is no longer afraid of the outside world. Only with that adorable puppy “bodyguard” will the leopard cub never get hurt.
– Goat has been a “guide dog” for blind horses for 16 years
This is a story about the adorable friendship between a horse named Charlie and an old goat named Jack. When he met Jack, Charlie was 24 years old and unfortunately blind in one eye. Initially, Charlie’s owner intended to “get rid of it” with him, but Jack made this person think in a different way. Every day, Jack always leads Charlie through the forest to the cool green pastures, and then leads Charlie home. One day, Charlie got stuck in a bush and couldn’t get out on his own. Jack understood that and quickly ran home to ask for help from his owner.

Charlie the horse and Jack the goat

For 16 years, Jack always took on the role of Charlie’s guide, never missing a single day. Only when the blind horse gets old and actually lies down forever will Jack end this self-imposed and honorable mission.
– The gorilla was so sad that he cried because his pet cat passed away
Gorillas and us humans differ by only 1.6% of our DNA, which is unclear as to whether they like cats like we do.
A famous example of a gorilla taking care of a cat is the story of Koko, a female gorilla raised in the United States. Koko has a fairly developed intellect, to the point that some believe she can understand human body language. A cat named “All Ball” was brought to Koko. The cat is named that way because it has a round shape that spins like a ball. And as expected, Koko managed just like a mother, showing love and affection towards this round “ball”. That love was real, because when Koko found out that All Ball had passed away, she was very sad and cried.
– Elephants take care of stray puppies
Elephants are considered one of the most intelligent animals, so it’s no surprise that they also know how to care for and take care of other creatures. At the Elephant Sanctuary in Tennessee, USA, many people witnessed an elephant named Tarra taking care of a lost puppy named Bella. Tarra loves Bella so much that she spends most of her time next to this little dog.

Elephant Tarra and puppy Bella

In 2010, when Bella suffered a spinal injury and had to be treated at the sanctuary’s office, Tarra waited next to the gate for three weeks. But sadly the next year, 2011, Bella became a victim of a wolf and died due to being bitten. Extremely hurt, Tarra found Bella’s body and personally brought the dog’s body back to the barn, where they had lived and cared for each other.

16. Disabled dogs and cats “resurrected” with a Western couple

The love that grew from Oscar – Thu’s love for dogs and cats prompted the establishment of a center to produce and design products such as wheelchairs, prosthetic legs and other solutions for disabled pets. In 2019, Ms. Tran Anh Thu, a general practitioner living in Saigon, met Mr. Oscar Fernando Ruiz Bonilla for the first time. This man, 44 years old and of Colombian nationality, specializes in making wheelchairs for disabled cats and dogs, which attracted Thu’s interest. Ms. Thu herself has two pet dogs and is looking for a husband who loves pets as much as she does. After just 24 hours from their first meeting, they became a couple. The love between the two developed quickly, and after only 3 days, their families were introduced to each other and after a month, they were engaged and held a wedding ceremony afterward.

Oscar and his wife – Letter

Before 2016, while still in Colombia, Oscar worked as a manager at a hospital and established a rescue station for dogs and cats. In 2016, he came to Vietnam to take care of his sister and from then on, Oscar fell in love with this strange country. He decided to stay and start a restaurant specializing in Colombian dishes. At that time, Oscar raised a puppy named Sophie, but unfortunately, the puppy passed away after being abused.
Next, Oscar adopted another paralyzed puppy and named him Moto. To make Moto’s travel more convenient, he began to research and create many wheelchair models for dogs and cats. Unsatisfied with the quality of imported wheelchairs, Oscar decided to design many wheelchair models himself until he found the most suitable model for Moto.
Not only interested in helping Moto, Oscar also thought about other dogs and cats in need of help. Therefore, he founded the Forever Wheelchair center, which manufactures and designs wheelchairs, prosthetics, and other solutions for disabled pets. Although this is just a side job besides business, Oscar puts his heart and finances into it, with the desire to help as many “little” dogs and cats.
In 2019, after meeting and falling in love with Thu, Oscar decided to leave his job in the restaurant and devote all his time to the Forever Wheelchair center. He imported high-quality equipment and machinery into the wheelchair and prosthetic leg design workshop. Currently, Forever Wheelchair not only sells wheelchairs in the Vietnamese market but also exports them to other countries. Because Vietnam does not have a training program to make wheelchairs for dogs and cats, Oscar self-taught courses on dog and cat anatomy, 3D printing technology and mechanics. The process of manufacturing a wheelchair includes forming the chassis from metal, creating other parts using 3D printing technology, assembling in a factory and checking quality. To ensure quality, Oscar regularly observes and listens to feedback from dogs and cats to see if they feel comfortable using a wheelchair. Then he fixes any difficulties and weaknesses the car may encounter.

Dogs can move around in a wheelchair

According to Thu, the wheelchair has cushions to protect the entire body and a soft seat with many different types of saddles, suitable for each individual dog and cat. In addition, thanks to the shock absorber, the wheelchair does not cause impact on the abdomen when the pet moves up and down slopes or encounters obstacles such as tree stumps or rocks, unlike other types of wheelchairs.
“The wheelchair also has limited tipping, allowing pets to urinate on the wheelchair and stand up and lie down at will. Many children with spinal fractures experience urinary retention and constipation, requiring the use of catheters. After using the wheelchair, I was able to go to the toilet on my own,” Thu said and hoped that every disabled dog or cat would have the opportunity to access and use a wheelchair, helping them move comfortably and have a happy life. new comfortable life. The wheelchair models produced by couple Thu and Oscar have been experienced and highly appreciated by doctors at many clinics for their safety and ability to avoid complications of ulcers for children in the future. In Vietnam, there are many families who can afford to buy quality wheelchairs for their pets. This is highly appreciated by Mr. Oscar and Ms. Thu, because the money raised can help many other children at the rescue station and children in difficult families.
Forever Wheelchair has also launched a program called “Light the Sun for You” to call for contributions from the pet-loving community. Before 2020, most of the wheelchairs given to children came from the personal finances of the couple Thu and Oscar, thanks to Thu’s work as a general practitioner.
“Later, many people trusted and bought our wheelchairs, so the story of the Center and the ‘Sunshine for Children’ foundation was spread. Pets with disabilities are helped more and more. The time to complete the wheelchair is also faster,” Ms. Thu said.
Many paralyzed dogs and cats have to crawl on the street, causing ulcers and bleeding in their legs, causing pain. Being tied up often makes many children become stressed and sad. Some babies have to lie down for a long time and have difficulty urinating and constipation. But with the support of a wheelchair, they are free to run and jump, their spirits become happier and more importantly, they no longer have ulcers or difficulty urinating.

Dogs and cats can move around using wheelchairs

Since the center’s establishment, Ms. Thu and her husband have produced more than 500 wheelchairs. Encountering a dog and cat running freely again, both felt happy and excited. The owners of these babies were also touched and even shed tears when they saw their pets walking again.
Mr. Oscar and Ms. Thu are currently raising 10 “children”, including 6 dogs and 4 cats. Among them, there is a paralyzed dog, 2 dogs with amputated legs and two paralyzed cats, these children were received by the brothers and sisters from rescue stations.
Among the dogs, Ms. Thu especially remembers Ca Chim, a puppy who was abused and lost both legs, then abandoned in Vung Tau. After being rescued by the rescue station, the puppy was brought to Saigon, and then Ms. Thu and her husband adopted and built a wheelchair for the baby.
“Because the baby smells like fish, we call him Ca Chim”, Ms. Thu explained about the dog’s special name.
At first, Ca Pom was very aggressive and did not allow anyone to touch him, nor did he want to use a wheelchair. But thanks to the love and care of Ms. Thu and her husband, the baby’s psychology gradually recovered and he began to adapt to family life. Ca Chim has expertly used the wheelchair like a new set of legs, confidently moving up and down slopes.
“Every time we look at Pomfret, we are more motivated in life. He makes us feel that pets, even though they are disabled, still desire to live and be loved. If you are raising a dog or cat, If your child is sick or paralyzed, don’t abandon him, but help him when he needs you the most,”
Ms. Thu said.
Usually every morning, Mr. Oscar and Ms. Thu take the dogs for a walk in their wheelchairs, then return home. The maid will feed the children and clean the house. Mr. Oscar went to work at the factory, along with the wheelchair manufacturing staff, while Ms. Thu continued her work at the clinic. When a baby needs a wheelchair, Ms. Thu will be the one to communicate in Vietnamese and translate for her husband. In the afternoon, they continue to take their pets for a walk, clean them and put them on pajamas, before going to bed together. On weekends, the couple brought wheelchairs together and donated them to the children on the list that needed support.

Ms. Thu and her husband donate wheelchairs every week to their pets

Recently, on social networks there have been many heartbreaking and pitiful stories related to dogs and cats. Ms. Thu and her husband felt very sad and shocked, not understanding why people could be so cruel to innocent animals.
“When we hear many conflicting opinions, that ‘it’s just a dog or a cat, why make such a big deal’, or ‘a dog or cat is just an animal,’ we really angry”, Ms. Thu said. In her opinion, all living things deserve to live. Dogs and cats are not just animals, but also family members, sharing joy and love with the whole family.
Many countries around the world promote raising dogs and cats as a way to help people reduce stress and develop love. They have developed laws to protect the rights of dogs and cats. Ms. Thu hopes that our country will soon have legal regulations to protect dogs and cats and enforce them, so that there will be no more tragic and cruel stories, and the problem of stealing and killing dogs and cats will end.
“I once heard a famous quote from Gandi: ‘the civilization of a country, a society is shown by the way they treat dogs and cats’. And I think that is a true statement. I Just want to say, if you are a dog or cat lover, please be truly responsible for them and do not abandon them when they are sick. If you do not have a dog or cat but want to raise one, please contact the station. nearest rescue center and adopt them to a new family, reducing pressure on the rescue station. If you are not a dog or cat lover, please be a civilized and humane person, do not bait or beat them. or killing pets when they are the love of another family. If you see the torture of dogs and cats in front of your eyes, please do not ignore it. Speak up because lovely animals have no voice. Here,” the female doctor reminded.

17. Project “kindergarten” for pets

At the Mai Linh bridgehead area, Bien Giang ward, Ha Dong, Hanoi, a unique facility has appeared. This is a place to raise and care for pets with a spacious and spacious area. This facility is known as “Pet Home – 24/7 pet care” and has attracted dozens of dogs and cats sent by their owners when they need to go away and cannot take care of their pets. mine. Even more interesting is that the owner of this facility is a young girl – Ms. Trinh Thi Ngoc, from Bac Ninh province.

"Older sister
Ms. Trinh Thi Ngoc, owner of Pet Home facility

Ms. Ngoc shared: “I have a great passion for raising and taking care of pets. But one day, I had to go away from Hanoi for a few days and didn’t know who to ask or send to take care of my puppy. . I searched for a place to leave my dog, but without success. That’s when the idea of ​​creating a pet sitting service came up. I realized that there were many other people doing it. encountered the same problem, and that’s why I decided to launch a ‘daycare’ project for my pets.
The process of building a brand and building trust from customers is not easy at first, but it brings me a lot of joy. I used Facebook and word of mouth to promote my services, and the number of customers continued to increase.
The secret to success in business is loving pets. Thanks to that, my facility always has a stable number of customers, and during peak times, we can take care of 5 to 10 birds/day. During holidays and New Year, we have customers sending pets for half a month or more. We are also equipped with a camera system, allowing pet owners to monitor their pets remotely at any time. This job brings me joy every day, while also bringing income and trust from customers. I am very satisfied and happy with this job.”

Adorable puppies at Pet Home

Hai An, living in Hanoi, has always had a special love for animals since he was a child. Therefore, every time I see her, there are always two lovely companions by my side, a corgi dog and a British long-haired cat. In early 2023, Hai An started working at a famous photo studio in a new position as director. With this job, she often has to travel and stay away for many days, limiting her time with her Pets. Many colleagues suggested that she should sell them to focus on work, but Hai An, because of her boundless love for her pets, decided not to sell. After that, Hai An used the internet to search for reliable pet care organizations in Hanoi. She consulted with her friends and found “Pet Home – 24/7 pet care”.
Hai An, happily shared: “Very coincidentally, when I learned about “Pet Home – 24/7 pet care”, after many times sending pets here, I am very satisfied and assured that they are in good hands. Dedicated facilities and staff take careful care. In particular, the price for pet sitting here is very low. So from now on, I can safely focus on work without worrying about my “dogs” being abandoned.”
Mr. Vu Van Dung, who often leaves pets at Pet Home, said: “I have sent pets here many times. Every time I have a long trip and cannot bring my friend “Sen” with me, that’s me. We provide babysitting services, the environment is airy, clean, and the owner is friendly, so I feel very secure.”
Ms. Nguyen Thi Minh Hue, also a customer of Pet Home, added: “I live in Cau Giay, but I still bring my cat to Ha Dong to send, simply because here the service is good and the price is good.” cheap”.

18. Unique pet delivery service

A startup has just launched a smart house for pets in New York City (USA), to make it easier for owners to take their pets out more.
This smart house is fully equipped with modern features, giving you peace of mind when leaving your pet there for a short time. It has a smartphone-connected camera system, air conditioner, automatic disinfection system, motion sensors and many other gadgets.
According to Chelsea Brownridge, the company’s CEO: “Now when I go to the grocery store, I can take my pet with me to get some air, which is so convenient”.
The rental price of this house is also very reasonable, about 30 Cents per minute, equivalent to 7,000 VND. Currently, the company has about 45 homes across New York and plans to expand to more cities next year.

19. Unique acupuncture service for pets

A famous medical treatment in China and Asia in general has brought hope to paralyzed dogs or cats.
As soon as she learned about this service, Ms. Wang Xijuan, 74 years old, brought her pet cat for treatment. She held the cat’s hand to reassure him throughout the entire treatment process. After 4 treatments, Ms. Wang’s cat was able to move, run, jump and play with other cats.
Acupuncture has long been known as a method of improving blood circulation and reducing pain for patients by inserting needles into acupuncture points. According to the International Veterinary Acupuncture Association (IVAS) on their website, this method has been used in China for thousands of years and has successfully treated many conditions.

Acupuncture for cats

Jin Rishan, an expert at Shanghai Animal Health Acupuncture and TCM Neurology Center, said the center has treated more than 2,000 dogs and cats since opening four years ago. A treatment session costs about 260 yuan, or $39, and lasts 45 minutes. The center’s facilities are very modern and clean.
Dogs and cats in Shanghai are often paralyzed due to spinal injuries or nervous system damage. Jin Rishan said that 70% of animals coming to the center are treated for paralysis in their hind legs or all four legs due to herniated discs. Dog breeds such as Buns, German Shepherds, Collie,… often encounter this condition. About 80% of the center’s “patients” have significant improvement after just a few treatment sessions.
Mr. Jin Rishin confirmed that acupuncture is more effective than modern treatments. “Applying Western medicine is not very effective. Helping paralyzed dogs and cats stand up and walk again is our ultimate goal, ” said the 53-year-old doctor.
To ensure safety, the animal is immobilized before the doctor uses an electric needle to puncture the damaged area. Some animals may be slightly reactive to the scent from burning the aromatic leaves during treatment. The center currently serves about 20 animals a day at full capacity. “We have more and more customers” Jin said.
In China, the role of pets is gradually changing. Pets are considered family members, cared for and cared for like family members.

20. Chinese youth raise pets with…cardboard

Dormitories often do not allow students to keep pets, leading to many young Chinese people creating unique “pet keeping” models from cardboard. These models are placed in front of the room to “watch the house” like real dogs. The trend of keeping pets out of cardboard attracts many young people, and pets can also be placed in a small corner of the room with realistic bowls and cups. Each cardboard pet is decorated according to the owner’s preferences, such as food bowls, coats, eyeglasses, etc. Even though they are just cardboard pets, many dogs also have their own home. only me.

Cardboard pets

In addition to dogs and cats, Chinese youth also “raise” other unique pets made of cardboard such as snails, birds, cockroaches, etc. Many people think this is a lovely and sophisticated trend. , helps satisfy your passion for raising pets without disturbing others or violating school rules.

21. Little known things about the pets of US Presidents

It seems that pets have become special members of the American president’s family at the White House.
Mr. Joe Biden has restored the US president’s tradition of keeping pets in the White House. Previously, in more than 100 years, Donald Trump was the first president not to bring a pet into the White House. However, Mr. Joe Biden brought two German shepherds, Champ and Major, into the White House. However, after one of the two animals bit a White House security officer, the two dogs were returned to Mr. Biden’s family home in Delaware.

Mr. Joe Biden and his dog

President Bill Clinton chose to raise a cat and named it Socks. Later, this cat was named America’s First Cat. In addition to cats, he also takes care of a Labrador Retriever called Buddy in the White House.

Mr. Bill Clinton and Socks the cat

President Franklin D. Roosevelt owned several pet dogs, but the most famous of them was a Scottish terrier named Fala. Fala became one of the most famous pets of the US President and is commemorated alongside his owner at the Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial in Washington DC.

President Franklin D. Roosevelt with his wife and pet dog

President Calvin Coolidge owned a variety of pets, which included a raccoon named Rebecca and a pygmy hippo named Billy. However, his favorite pet is his white Collie named Rob Roy. He often walks with his dog and wife on the lawn at the White House.

President Calvi Coolidge with his wife and Collie dog

President Barack Obama has a Portuguese dog, which he named Bo. In 2013, Mr. Obama owned another Portuguese dog named Sunny. This is a quite rare and special breed of dog, with the special feature of webbed toes for swimming.

Mr. Obama with his dog Bo

President Richard Nixon was very passionate about dogs. The 37th President of the United States raised a Cocker Spaniel and named it Checkers.

President Richard Nixon’s family and their dog Checkers

President Gerald Ford was also a dog lover. Mr. Ford’s famous pet is Liberty, a golden retriever who was given to the president when he was just 8 months old.

President Gerald Ford’s family and their dog Liberty

President Theodore Roosevelt made significant contributions to the conservation of natural resources, lands, and wildlife. During his time as president, he owned many pets, including a black bear named Jonathan Edwards.

President Theodore Roosevelt’s Jonathan Edwards black bear

President Thomas Jefferson was passionate about birds. He is said to be the first US President to keep a pet in the White House. President Jefferson had a mockingbird named Dic, who often flew around his office.

22. Pets can be “revived” thanks to unique ideas

For many people, pets have become close friends, with a position like a real member of the family. They take care of their pets like they take care of their babies, and even give them “privileges” to show their boundless love. However, there may be reasons why a caregiver cannot keep a pet around forever. And after that, only nostalgia and pain of loss remain. But now, there is an extremely creative idea from a toy manufacturing company in the Philippines. This company cleverly creates stuffed animals that resemble lost dogs, cats, hamsters and rabbits – to meet the needs of customers who want to preserve memories of their pets. .

Stuffed animals at David Tan’s toy factory

Mr. David Tan, owner of the toy factory, has received many orders from grieving pet owners who want to memorialize their pets. According to Reuters news agency, Tan and a team of 20 employees used photos sent by customers to create lifelike replicas of lost pets. They used synthetic fur and airbrushing techniques to recreate each animal’s fur and meticulously created each animal’s unique characteristics. Tan, owner of the Pampanga teddy bear factory, explained that this method is different from the usual way of making teddy bears and does not involve preserving animal carcasses.
“It doesn’t have any scary elements. Because 100% this is actually a stuffed animal, not dead animal flesh,” he said.
Each stuffed animal costs about 3,500 pesos (equivalent to 1.5 million VND). Reviews from many customers show that this cost is not expensive.

Ms. Jaja Lazarte with her stuffed dog

Ms. Jaja Lazarte, a 38-year-old dog lover, said the price was “totally worth it” to bring her memories of her pet dog named Shih Tzu, a precious companion in her life. for a long time. “Even though the Shih Tzu’s ashes are here and the memory of it is still fresh in my mind, it would be much better to see something that truly resembles the Shih Tzu,” Lazarte said.

23. The first park for pets in Hanoi

Currently, in Hanoi, the lack of separate playgrounds for dogs and cats means that pet owners have no other safe option than to use common public areas such as parks, gardens, or parks. street. This condition can be dangerous for both pets and humans.
Yen So Park is the first park in Hanoi for dogs, where there are adorable little houses, wooden slides and swings made from tires – toys for dogs to visit.

Pets play at Yen So dog park

Yen So Park has been completed and opened for use. The park has a number of toys made from easily available materials, safety fences, informational signs, and a model park for dogs and cats. These activities can be carried out in residential areas and other areas in the inner city. Yen So Park management has clearly stated the rules when bringing pets, including always supervising, holding tightly and leaving the area as soon as the pet suddenly becomes aggressive. Yen So Park has become a familiar meeting place for dog and cat lovers. Pet dogs are very excited and playful here.

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