99+ Most Beautiful Jesus Tattoos That Help Bring Good Luck

Besides Hinduism and Buddhism, Christianity is the religion with the largest number of followers today. To express their beliefs, many people choose to get a tattoo of Jesus in a place on their body. Not only that, even those who are not religious but want to keep their souls pure and kind, and wish to be protected by God, also choose this tattoo to tattoo on their bodies. So what does the Jesus tattoo mean and what does it symbolize? We invite readers to learn through the article below.

Before learning about the meaning of a beautiful Jesus tattoo , as well as whether you should get a tattoo of Jesus or not, you need to know clearly who Jesus is? Jesus was born in Bethlehem, now in Palestine, more than 2,000 years ago. In the Bible and people’s oral stories, the image of Jesus crucified on the cross has become a symbol. Known to most people whether or not they are Christians.

A full back tattoo of Jesus is very popular today

Jesus is the center of Christianity, all beliefs of this religion are formed based on the birth, life, death and resurrection of God. People believe that Jesus is the son of God and Mary. He was sent to earth to save people, save people, heal people, and help people have a prosperous and happy life.

Nothing on this earth can express the love of Jesus for people. He himself used his death so that humanity’s sins could be forgiven. The image of Jesus carved on the cross has become a source of inspiration in literature, fine arts, sculpture and even tattoo art. Today, whether or not they follow Christianity, people still tattoo Jesus somewhere on their bodies to commemorate, respect and remember the Lord’s teachings.

The reason why many people today choose to tattoo Jesus on their bodies is because behind the image of Jesus is a layer of meaning and a respectable symbol that not everyone knows:

  • Jesus represents power, strength and a resilient spirit, overcoming all difficulties and physical hardships to receive good things in life.
  • Jesus had an absolute loyalty to his own ego, always developing and following the most correct path.
  • Jesus – a symbol of tolerance, generosity, willingness to sacrifice personal interests for society to become better and more civilized.
  • The Jesus tattoo is also a reminder of perseverance and doing your best. Even when faced with dark and difficult things in life, never give up.
  • The Holy Spirit tattoo is also a belief and hope for a bright, prosperous future always waiting for us ahead.
  • A Christian tattoo on the body is also a reminder that people must always be grateful and appreciate the values in life.

With the above meanings, tattoos of the cross and Jesus are increasingly chosen by many tattoo art lovers. Because many people believe that having a tattoo of God on their body helps them purify their soul, heal wounds and suffering in life, relieve fatigue and help them find light in life.

Princess tattoos are increasingly popular in the tattoo art loving community

Jesus is a sacred image and also a source of subject matter for artistic tattoo artists to freely create unique tattoo designs. Below are the most beautiful Jesus tattoos that many people choose to tattoo on their bodies, readers can refer to:

The tattoo of Jesus’ hands clasped together in a praying position is an extremely famous tattoo and is chosen by many people today. This image most clearly shows the tattoo artist’s sincerity towards the gods.

At the same time, the image of God’s hand also implies silence for loved ones on the other side of the world. Pray that God will protect, protect, comfort and heal your soul. Tattooists can create images holding a cross, a string of cajuput beads, etc. with the most realistic and vivid 3D sketches.

God’s hand tattoo – A very popular model today

See more: Meaning of Cross Tattoo and Best Tattoo Location

The flower and heart accompanying the image of Jesus symbolize his eternal love, overcoming all difficulties, limits and distance to come together. This is not only the love between men and women, but also the love between people.

This tattoo is suitable for couples in love, or those who always desire to receive love from those around them and wish to have a good relationship. In addition, the tattoo of Jesus with flowers and hearts is also a reminder to the owner to always appreciate and love themselves, and never be tempted by trivial desires.

Besides, the heart drawing also represents an enthusiastic heart, always keeping the fire of passion within itself, not afraid to contribute to bring back sweet fruit. A bit of black and white and red/pink create a highlight for the tattoo, hiding a meaningful message behind it.

Tattoo of the princess with flowers and a passionate heart

This is an image of Jesus the Savior with details wearing barbed wire, a bright colored cloak and drops of blood dripping down his face. This image is scary but is a lesson in patience, always keeping initial beliefs and prejudices. As long as you always do good, don’t be ashamed of your conscience, no matter how painful it is, you can endure it.

The red color of blood brings a feeling of pain, but still remains strong, resilient, and indomitable. This tattoo reminds people to always be calm and always ready to face life’s challenges. Tattoo artists also create additional details such as a halo on the head, an image of the sun, etc. to sanctify and praise the beauty of Jesus.

The bleeding God is a symbol of man’s steadfast will and strength

Lord and sheep tattoos are associated with Christian thought. They believe that Jesus’ sacrifice was both patient and resigned like a lamb, but his soul was strong and full of spirit like a lion.

Some legends say that Jesus is pictured with a sheep to emphasize the role of the shepherd on earth. They always have a positive, honest and gentle attitude to life. People who are constantly trying to develop and assert their position in society are suitable for this tattoo.

The image of Jesus with the sheep brings a positive attitude in life

One of the images that people remember most about Jesus, whether they are religious or not, is the moment he was nailed to the cross and sacrificed. This image has inspired many arts to this day, including tattooing.

People remember this image because Jesus sacrificed himself in exchange for a beautiful life for humanity. He suffered the sins that humans committed so that they can enjoy a good life to this day.

Jesus cross tattoos are created by tattoo artists in many different ways but are essentially the same. When we look at it, we see our own existence, face the sins we have committed, correct mistakes and look forward to the brightest future. With this tattoo, you can choose to sketch a wooden cross, choose black and white ink colors combined with polish, creating the most realistic, harmonious and vivid whole.

Tattoo of Jesus crucified on the cross

For those who want to have a Jesus tattoo that is not too obvious, a small Jesus tattoo is the best choice. You can get tattoos on your arms, wrists, neck, ankles, shoulder blades, etc. Princess tattoos are small and simple but still full of meaning and message to convey.

The image may not be depicted as clearly and in detail as a full back tattoo of God, but it is still a reminder that people are grateful, appreciative and live more meaningfully in life.

Princess tattoo designs are small and mini but still very beautiful and meaningful

Jesus tattoo is a sacred tattoo and has great meaning. So if you have decided to own this tattoo, you should note the following:

  • The places you should get a tattoo of the Lord depend on the size of the tattoo you want. If the image is large, you can tattoo it on your back, shoulder blades, biceps, thighs, chest, or ribs. Small figures can be on the forearms, wrists, neck, ankles, and shoulders.
  • Absolutely do not tattoo Jesus in sensitive areas, near the genitals. Because if tattooed there, the tattoo may be degraded, not retaining its original charisma and sophistication. Furthermore, this tattoo location is somewhat offensive, intended to offend the gods.
  • Choose a tattoo address at a reputable, quality place with highly skilled tattoo artists to avoid mistakes during the tattoo process.
  • You should carefully clean the tattoo area before and after the procedure. Make sure the tattoo has the right color, is beautiful and represents the sacred meaning you want to convey.

Jesus tattoos have many different designs and tattoo artists are constantly creating and innovating. Hopefully the above information has helped you better understand the meaning, symbolism and refer to a model that suits your needs if you also want to own a princess tattoo.

Further reading:

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